Yellow Mellow
What can you do? - Canvas
What can you do? - Background

What can you do?


Art Classes

If you like to paint and create, you are in the right place.
We have art classes of different techniques specially for kids but also for adults. You can choose between a private or a group workshop.
Oil painting, acrylic, color pencil, pencil, collage, creativity, others.


Mural Painting

If you want your space or your children’s space to become a place that invites you to create, Yellow Mellow is for you.
We can paint you children’s bedroom or make a cool painting for their space ideally with their help and ideas. 


Art 4Healing®

If you think that art and creativity can heal you or can make you grow as a person, in Yellow Mellow we are more than happy to live this process with you. Live and/or sponsor an Art4Healing® workshop.